Thursday 7 April 2011

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Once we had finished our video we embedded it onto a social networking site 'Facebook'. This allowed an audience to both watch it and leave responses and feedback. Hopefully it would reach its potential target audience and the feedback we would receive would be appropriate.  
Here are some quotations demonstrating the feedback that we have received:

> "A really good music video. You can really see the emotion of the character through the imagery of the video and the lyrics in the song."
> "The video shows an excellent visual presentation to accompany the theme of the song."
> "I love the underlying thematic representation of rebelliousness reflected by the grittiness and quick cuts of the shots which impairs the clarity to the audience. The playful interchanging colour saturation's kept me visually stimulated and satisfied my needs as the audience."
> "Really well made! Love the band shots, but if you changed the main singer for a professional actor it would be even better!"
> "Overall, I really liked the music video, I think the story really followed the lyrics of the song and they both fitted really well together, I particularly liked the band shots. The use of costumes and setting were appropriate for the song. The transitions between the band and the rest of the video worked really well, and kept you interested during the video. The content of the video was appropriate for my age group and was thought provoking."

I was really pleased with the great response we received. It contained a mixture of appreciation and constructive criticism. There where no bad reviews which shows on the whole it was a successful project. I was particularly pleased with "the use of costume and setting were appropriate for the song" as this was something which we found difficult to decide originally. Small elements of mise-en-scene such as costume could completely alter the audiences perspective on the main character, whether they sympathise with him or not. So to be successfull in our choices was very satisfying. We could have chosen to post this on a site which is particularly attractive for metal and rock fans. However by choosing something more generic it broadened our potential target market and allowed more diverse sub-groups to view the video, particularly those who appreciate the footage if not the music.

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