Tuesday 7 December 2010


After shooting our opening scene we entered the work shop. We chose this particular workshop, as it fitted with the manual labour/hard working job we imagined Ricky would have from the lyric "worked his fingers to the bone". As we have been using two cameras throughout all our filming, we faced a few problems in the workshop due to the lack of space. The advantage to using the two cameras meant that our scenes had good continuity as we rarely had to repeat scenes to get a second angle. However as there was a lot of equipment in the workshop the walkways where often narrow and therefore proved quite difficult to get someone holding a second camera in without them being in the shot. We managed to overcome this by using tripods to hold the cameras, as they are smaller than a person and could be placed in tighter spaces.

Monday 6 December 2010

Opening scene

We decided to have a short introduction to our music video to set the scene which would have no sound. It was based around the lyric "Lived 9 to 5 and worked his fingers to the bone." To shoot it we visisted group member Ollie's dads workshop. As we drove to the workshop we noticed the length of the open drive. It was surrounded by fields which we thought would be a great way to show the lonliness of our character "Ricky". We set up the camera at a low angle to exagerate the distance between the camera and Ricky.

Band shoot

After securing a date with all the actors we needed for our band, gathered the band instruments and equipment and drove to our location. I particularly liked how it was a misty day which gave a very interesting fog in the distance of our shots. We set up the equipment in our chosen spot of the location. It was undercover which sheltered us from any potential bad weather but it had open walls behind the band, allowing plenty of light. This also gave us the opportunity to capture some great shots where the band are silhouetted.